Zero Waste Workshop
Learning how to free oneself of toxic, synthetic chemicals, single use plastic and waste (e-waste, textiles, food-waste), along with the importance of being mindful about what we buy, why we buy it and how it will damage the planet when we are done using that product, and also, offering sustainable options to reduce waste to make the transition to a more conscious life easier.
Photo/Video: photos from in tienda zero waste
Make & Take Workshops
The ‘Make & Take’ workshops are a way to free yourself from synthetic and toxic products that we use in our daily lives, learning how to create a healthy and chemical-free environment by making natural and effective alternatives for all our personal care, home care, of the garden and for the needs of our pets.
Photos from Hazlo y llvelo page
Upcycling & Bottle Cutting Workshop
Upcycle glass bottles by cutting them and transforming them into glasses, pots, decors, and more. To give new life to an object to show the importance of thinking about what we purchase and how we can give it new life to avoid waste.
The bottles and the machine are provided.
We’ll have bottle-cutting machines available to purchase.
Photo/video: Enrique cutting bottles in TZW
Bio construction
Bio-construction is understood as a form of construction that respects living beings and the environment. It is also a type of sustainable architectural style whose aim is to achieve the integration of the building with its surroundings, minimising its impact on them.
Photos/Videos: of the outdoor garden pots / XE wall?